MITSDE is introducing a platform for the students to become aware of and to be in tune with the global industry trends across various sectors.
Vision of Mentor Links
To help Faculty & Students be aware of, and exposed to current & future trends in Global environment, thus empowering them to be globalized enough to greet the outside world with Power to Perform.
How it will work?
The awareness of global industry trends will be achieved by A.L.E.R.T (Ask, Learn, Engage, Read, and Train) through a panel of global experts.
Global expert panel is comprises of senior executives from global organizations spanning from the USA to EUROPE to ASIA, including India. They represent various functions from diversified sectors of Industry, and business, first generation start up entrepreneurs, practicing Chartered Accountants, Lawyers, Academicians, and Scientists.

ASK a Query
Students and Faculty can send / post short Queries to the EXPERT PANEL and moderator team will work to get answers back from the Panel. These will also be published on the website and LMS.
LEARN on the global trend
A web enabled interactive one hour session with experts will be arranged and scheduled by MITSDE moderator on any specific topic.
ENGAGE with expert face to face
Students and Faculty can avail of the visit of any of the Panel members to their Campus or online visit for interaction on any Specific topic of interest.
READ the articles by expert
The Panel will also pen specific topics of interest to share the Global trends in the web page that can be accessed.
TRAINING customized with experts
Students and Faculty can avail of special topic training through any of panel member’s expertise via web.