The MITSDE Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a dynamic initiative aimed at fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.

We are committed to providing a robust platform that empowers students, working professionals, start-ups, alumni, and corporate partners to explore and realize their entrepreneurial ambitions

Our mission is to inspire innovation, encourage creativity, and support the development of sustainable business ventures through education, webinars and networking opportunities.


  • Promote Entrepreneurial Thinking: Cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among students and professionals by offering workshops, seminars, that enhance innovation and problem-solving skills.
  • Support Start-up GrowthProvide guidance, resources, and mentorship to budding entrepreneurs and start-ups, helping them navigate the challenges of business development and scale their ventures.
  • Facilitate Networking Opportunities: Create a collaborative environment where entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, and industry experts can connect, share ideas, and form strategic partnerships.
  • Encourage Continuous Learning: Offer access to cutting-edge knowledge and best practices in entrepreneurship through regular interactions with successful entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and subject matter experts.
  • Foster Corporate Collaboration Bridge the gap between academia and industry by engaging corporate partners in the development of entrepreneurial initiatives, thereby enhancing the practical relevance and impact of our programs.

  • What We do

    InnovateNEXT is MITSDE's annual business plan competition aimed at discovering and nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs. In this competition students get the opportunity to present their innovative business ideas to a panel of esteemed judges, gain valuable feedback, and compete for exciting prizes.


    Under KnowHub MITSDE conducts webinars which are expertly designed to deliver valuable insights, skill enhancement, and industry trends. These sessions feature thought leaders and subject matter experts, providing a dynamic platform for learning and professional development. Whether you're a student, working professional, or entrepreneur, our webinars offer actionable knowledge to help you stay ahead in your field.

    Connect X

    Under KnowHub MITSDE conducts networking events that offer an unparalleled opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, industry experts, and potential collaborators. These events foster meaningful interactions, allowing you to expand your professional network and explore new opportunities. Whether you're seeking mentorship or simply want to exchange ideas, our networking events are the perfect platform for professional growth.

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